Nutrition Facts
Sacha Inchi Flour higher percentage of unsaturated fatty and fiber makes it more favourable to the health than Almond Flour and Wheat Flour
Sacha Inchi Flour has lower percentage of saturated fatty is the most healthy than Almond Flour and Wheat Flour
Sacha Inchi Flour has higher percentage of protein ,protein help the body to build and repair cells and tissues, is the most healthy than Almond Flour and Wheat Flour
Sacha Inchi Flour has lower percentage of carb ,low carb good for weight loss, is the most healthy than Almond Flour and Wheat Flour
Note :
![Nutrition facts sacha inchi แป้งถั่วดาวอินคา แป้งทำขนม แป้งทางเลือก](
Reference :
Almond Flour | Nutrient Optimiser
Wheat Flour | Nutrient Optimiser